The Old Internet

A nostalgic look back to the internet of old, including the days of dial up and the screeching phone line sounds, MSN and Yahoo Messenger, and Tom from Myspace. Also, remember the Facebook poke? I still have no idea what that was for.

Jobs for introverts / social anxiety

As an introvert with social anxiety I’ve always wondered what would be the best kind of job for me. I’ve put together a list of a few which would be suitable. Do you have any ideas for other careers that would suit introverts? Let me know in the comments on YouTube.

A day in the life of a socially awkward misfit

Just a little glimpse into the exhilarating life of a socially awkward misfit. Join Sam on his fun packed adventures in the bathroom (with his magic shower) all the way to the kitchen (where you see him concoct his magic wake up juice) then all the way to this living room where he does his….living….with as minimal effort as possible.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Watch Sam travel to the supermarket and back. Remember they aren’t just normal markets, they’re SUPER! Anyway, I’m sure you can hardly contain yourself after all that excitement. But once you’ve calmed down, you can check out some of my other videos on youtube for even more…er…fun packed stuff.

New video: Stupid things people say to introverts

I’ve done quite a lot of comics over the years about things dopey people say to introverts. These generally tend to be different variations of ‘You’re quiet’ and ‘Why are you so quiet?’ So, I thought I’d make a little compilation of some of Sam’s comebacks to these things which are commonly said to introverts.